Talos Takes

Talos’ spin on security news

Every week, our host brings on a new guest from Talos or the broader Cisco Security world to break down a complicated security topic in just five or 10 minutes. We cover everything from breaking news to attacker trends and emerging threats.

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #77: How to safely connect to (and use) public WiFi

    For the first time in Talos Takes’ history, we have a formal crossover with Beers with Talos. Mitch Neff, the host of BWT, joins the show to talk about his horror stories using public WiFi networks. He and Jon discuss the safest ways to interact with large, public network in places like libraries, parks and airports, and potential alternatives to public hotspots.

    Run Time: 00:08:40

    • WiFi
    • cybersecurity
    • tips
    • cybersecurity basics

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #76: What type of secrets could Kimsuky be after?

    Jon took a break from listening to “Red (Taylor’s Version)” to turn this podcast around quickly to align with our recent research on the Kimsuky APT. This North Korean state-sponsored actor is in the wild again targeting South Korean organizations that house potentially sensitive information. The group set up fake Blogger sites to lure in the victims to read about news related to nuclear disarmament and relations on the Korean peninsula, but instead were hit with infostealing malware. Assheer Malhotra, who helped research and write our latest blog, joins the show to discuss this group’s motivations, what information they may have been looking for, and how Talos helped put a stop to their actions.

    Run Time: 00:08:16

    • Kimsuky
    • malware
    • APTs
    • state-sponsored
    • spam

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #75 (XL Edition): Building the perfect Incident Response Plan

    We have another special extra large-sized version of Talos Takes this week. Enjoy this recording of a live stream we hosted earlier this week with Martin Lee from our Talos Communications team and Paul Lee from Cisco Talos Incident Response. The Lees discuss how to build the perfect Incident Response Plan. First, Martin walks through the basics of creating, editing and iterating on an IR plan. Then, he’s joined by Paul to ask him a few questions, take some Q&A from the audience and learn about Paul’s experience from the field.

    Run Time: 00:49:11

    • incident response
    • IR
    • incident response plan
    • CTIR

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #74 (NCSAM Edition AND XL Edition): Q&A session with Talos Incident Response

    This is a double special Talos Takes episode — it’s XL-sized and continues our Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme. This is a recording of our live stream from earlier this week with Brad Garnett, the general manager of Talos Incident Response. Even if you’ve never worked with an incident response team before, or have no idea what IR is, this is a perfect place to start. We provide the tl;dr of the IR process, talk building an IR plan and answer audience questions.

    Run Time: 00:44:23

    • incident response
    • CTIR
    • IR
    • ransomware
    • hybrid work

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #73 (NCSAM edition): Fight back against the phish

    We continue our special series for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month by addressing everyone’s worst nightmare: phish. Who among us hasn’t gotten the call, “We’re trying to reach out about your car’s extended warranty?” In this Talos Takes, Jaeson Schultz, Talos’ foremost spam and phish expert, breaks down spam emails, phone calls and messages for any user. We discuss new trends we’re seeing from attackers in 2021, talk about the best software solutions available and give advice to Jon’s 77-year-old grandmother.

    Run Time: 00:10:35

    • spam
    • phishing
    • spear-phishing
    • email

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #71 (NCSAM Edition): 2021 in ransomware

    We are from the first (or last) people to say this, but 2021 is the year of ransomware. It’s by far the biggest story on the security landscape right now. And everything from oil pipelines, to grain co-ops, to hospitals and schools have been targeted by ransomware this year. Azim Khodjibaev joins the show for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month to wrap up everything we’ve seen on the ransomware landscape this year. Azim reflects on his interview with a LockBit operator, the research he’s done into “double extortion campaigns,” and discusses the lessons defenders can learn from the past 10 months.

    Run Time: 00:06:57

    • ransomware
    • cybersecurity
    • extortion
    • ransom
    • cyber attacks

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #70 (NCSAM edition): For once, a positive spin on hybrid work

    Everyone loves to talk and write about how tough it is that we are all working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. So for once — to celebrate National Cybersecurity Awareness Month — Talos Takes wants to talk about the positives! Christopher Marshall, the head of Talos’ detection research team, joins the show to discuss how he’s kept his team’s morale up during this time. Cybersecurity is a rough industry to be in, regardless of any external factors. So it’s important for him to avoid employee burnout and turnover. He and Jon also discuss the positives of working remotely, what they’re most looking forward to when they can go back into the office and their favorite pandemic-era hobbies.

    Run Time: 00:09:22

    • work from home
    • COVID
    • burnout
    • hiring
    • security

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #69: Our armadillo in shining armor

    Asheer Malhotra joins the show to once again cover a cyber attack in South Asia. This time, it’s an attacker that looks and smells like an APT, but may just be a run-of-the-mill crimeware gang. Asheer discusses he and his colleagues’ research into Operation: Armor Piercer, a campaign targeted at government agencies and military contractors. Needless to say, these are high-profile targets. Find out what this group wants and why they’re aping so much from other groups like Transparent Tribe and SideCopy.

    Run Time: 00:10:00

    • RATs
    • malware
    • APTs
    • spam
    • MFA

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #68: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's some rats!

    Allow Vitor Ventura to take you on a journey of discovery, threat actors and attribution. He recently assisted with an investigation into a series of malware and spam campaigns using aviation-themed lures. These include fake flight itineraries, invoices and more. Vitor joins us on this week’s Talos Takes episode to discuss what he learned during this process, including how he connected the campaigns, what he learned (and couldn’t learn) about the actor behind them, and what he’ll take away into his next research. This is a great episode for anyone who is wondering about what kinds of pitfalls are out there for a security researcher.

    Run Time: 00:06:17

    • malware
    • spam
    • email

  • Talos Takes

    Talos Takes Ep. #67: Why are ransomware groups getting so emotional?

    Fresh off of translating an entire ransomware playbook from Russian to English, Azim and Dave from the Talos Threat Intelligence & Interdiction team join Talos Takes to talk about this project. They provide some first-hand insights into what this leaked playbook tells us about the Conti ransomware-as-a-service group. Threat actors — they have feelings just like us!

    Run Time: 00:08:20

    • Conti
    • ransomware
    • APTs