Talos Vulnerability Report


Abode Systems, Inc. iota All-In-One Security Kit web interface /action/wirelessConnect OS command injection vulnerabilities

October 20, 2022
CVE Number



Four OS command injection vulnerabilities exists in the web interface /action/wirelessConnect functionality of Abode Systems, Inc. iota All-In-One Security Kit 6.9X and 6.9Z. A specially-crafted HTTP request can lead to arbitrary command execution. An attacker can make an authenticated HTTP request to trigger these vulnerabilities.


The versions below were either tested or verified to be vulnerable by Talos or confirmed to be vulnerable by the vendor.

abode systems, inc. iota All-In-One Security Kit 6.9X
abode systems, inc. iota All-In-One Security Kit 6.9Z


iota All-In-One Security Kit - https://goabode.com/product/iota-security-kit


10.0 - CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H


CWE-78 - Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command (‘OS Command Injection’)


The iota All-In-One Security Kit is a home security gateway containing an HD camera, infrared motion detection sensor, Ethernet, WiFi and Cellular connectivity. The iota gateway orchestrates communications between sensors (cameras, door and window alarms, motion detectors, etc.) distributed on the LAN and the Abode cloud. Users of the iota can communicate with the device through mobile application or web application.

These vulnerabilities are reminiscent of a vulnerability identified and reported previously by Bitdefender. The vulnerability was tracked as CVE-2020-8105. From screenshots, the version of the firmware they tested appears to be 6.8E. Abode released firmware version 6.9X on December 15th, 2021 as the patch for CVE-2020-8105.

As brief background, CVE-2020-8105 was identified in the function responsible for handling HTTP requests destined for /action/wirelessConnect on the local web interface of the device. The vulnerability was an OS Command Injection that could be exploited through any of three parameters: ssid, wpapsk and key. It is our belief that the released patch for this vulnerability was to disable the web interface by default and encode the ssid and wpapsk parameters as hex-ascii in order to neutralize them before injecting into the OS command. Included in this patch were two new parameters, ssid_hex and wpapsk_hex, which are treated as if they have already been encoded as hex-ascii.

The web interface, now disabled-by-default, can be re-enabled through the use of either TALOS-2022-1552 or TALOS-2022-1553 in order to make these vulnerabilities accessible over the network.

The vulnerable web_wireless_connect function is located at offset 0x19AC94 in the /root/hpgw binary included in firmware version 6.9Z. For brevity, we have included only the relevant portions of the decompiled function below, with annotations.

int __fastcall wirelessConnect(mg_connection *conn, mg_request_info *ri)
  int payload_len;
  int v5;
  const char *v6;
  int decoded_ssid_len;
  int bufflen;
  const char *cmd;
  int count;
  int success;
  int error_len;
  const char *error;
  const char *err_str;
  const char *task;
  const char *v17;
  int wireless_enabled;
  xstrbuf_t decoded_ssid;
  xstrbuf_t decoded_wpapsk;
  char cmd_buffer[128];
  char cmd_output[128];
  char scratchpad[128];
  char ssid[192];
  char ssid_hex[192];
  char wpapsk_hex[192];
  char auth_mode[192];
  char wpapsk[192];
  char encryp_type[192];
  char default_key_id[192];
  char key[192];
  char payload[544];

  log(7, 1, "\x1B[33mweb_wireless_connect ri->uri:[%s]\x1B[0m", ri->uri);
  wireless_enabled = 0;

  // [1] Ensure that wireless is enabled, otherwise exit early
  get_config_as_integer("WL_Enable", (int)&wireless_enabled);
  if ( !wireless_enabled )
    goto LABEL_38;


  // [2] Extract the first 512 bytes of the POST body and extract all necessary parameters
  payload_len = http_collect_payload(conn, ri, payload, 512);
  memset(ssid, 0, sizeof(ssid));
  memset(ssid_hex, 0, sizeof(ssid_hex));
  memset(wpapsk_hex, 0, sizeof(wpapsk_hex));
  memset(auth_mode, 0, sizeof(auth_mode));
  memset(wpapsk, 0, sizeof(wpapsk));
  memset(encryp_type, 0, sizeof(encryp_type));
  memset(default_key_id, 0, sizeof(default_key_id));
  memset(key, 0, sizeof(key));
  mg_get_var(payload, payload_len, "ssid", ssid, 191);
  mg_get_var(payload, payload_len, "ssid_hex", ssid_hex, 191);
  mg_get_var(payload, payload_len, "auth_mode", auth_mode, 191);
  mg_get_var(payload, payload_len, "wpapsk", wpapsk, 191);
  mg_get_var(payload, payload_len, "wpapsk_hex", wpapsk_hex, 191);
  mg_get_var(payload, payload_len, "encryp_type", encryp_type, 191);
  mg_get_var(payload, payload_len, "default_key_id", default_key_id, 191);
  mg_get_var(payload, payload_len, "key", key, 191);

  // [3] Ensure that one of `ssid` or `ssid_hex` is provided, all other parameters appear optional
  if ( !ssid[0] )
    v5 = (unsigned __int8)ssid_hex[0];
    if ( !ssid_hex[0] )
      log(7, 1, "No SSID!");
      v6 = strtable_get("WEB_ERR_PARAM_EMPTY", 19);
      return web_error(conn, v5, v6, "ssid and ssid_hex");

  memset(cmd_buffer, 0, sizeof(cmd_buffer));
  memset(v22, 0, sizeof(v22));
  mg_urldecode(ssid, &decoded_ssid);

  // [4] Identify whether the SSID was provided via the `ssid` or `ssid_hex` parameter
  if ( ssid_hex[0] )
    // [5] If via `ssid_hex`, inject directly into OS command without neutralization
    log(7, 31, "with hex string");
    vsnprintf_nullterm(cmd_buffer, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 ssid %s", "wlan0", ssid_hex);
    // [6] If via `ssid`, neutralize the value before injecting into OS command
    memset(scratchpad, 0, sizeof(scratchpad));
    decoded_ssid_len = strlen(decoded_ssid.buff);
    hexlify(decoded_ssid.buff, decoded_ssid_len, scratchpad);
    log(7, 31, "with ascii string");
    vsnprintf_nullterm(cmd_buffer, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 ssid '\"%s\"'", "wlan0", scratchpad);
  xstrbuf_free_d(&decoded_ssid, (int)"web_wireless_connect");
  log(7, 1, cmd_buffer);

  // [7] Execute the command constructed at [5] or [6]

  memset(cmd_buffer, 0, sizeof(cmd_buffer));
  if ( strcmp(auth_mode, "WPA") && strcmp(auth_mode, "WPA2") )

    // [8] If `auth_mode` is WPAPSK_HEX or WPA2PSK_HEX
    if ( !strcmp(auth_mode, "WPAPSK_HEX") || !strcmp(auth_mode, "WPA2PSK_HEX") )

      // [9] then inject `wpapsk_hex` directly into the command without neutralization
      vsnprintf_nullterm(cmd_buffer, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 psk %s", "wlan0", wpapsk_hex);
      log(7, 1, cmd_buffer);

      // [10] Execute the command constructed at [9]
      popen_read(cmd_buffer, cmd_output, 127);

      if ( strlen(cmd_output) > 1 && !strncmp(cmd_output, "OK", 2u) )
        log(7, 1, "web_wireless_connect set_network 0 psk OK");
      goto LABEL_25;

    // [11] Otherwise, if `auth_mode` is WPAPSK or WPA2PSK
    if ( !strcmp(auth_mode, "WPAPSK") || !strcmp(auth_mode, "WPA2PSK") )
      // [12] Then neutralize `wpapsk` before injecting it into the command
      mg_urldecode(wpapsk, &decoded_wpapsk);
      memset(scratchpad, 0, sizeof(scratchpad));
      bufflen = strlen(decoded_wpapsk.buff);
      hexlify(decoded_wpapsk.buff, bufflen, scratchpad);
      vsnprintf_nullterm(cmd_buffer, 0x7Fu, "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 psk '\"%s\"'", "wlan0", scratchpad);
      xstrbuf_free_d(&decoded_wpapsk, (int)"web_wireless_connect");
      goto LABEL_16;
    if ( strcmp(auth_mode, "SHARED") && strcmp(auth_mode, "WEP") )
      log(7, 1, "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE");
      cmd = "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE";
      goto LABEL_24;

    log(7, 1, "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE");
    popen_write("driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE");

    // [12]  If `auth_mode` is SHARED or WEP then inject `default_key_id` and `key` into the command directly
      "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 wep_key%s '\"%s\"'",
    log(7, 1, cmd_buffer);

    // [13] Execute the command constructed at [12]
    memset(cmd_buffer, 0, sizeof(cmd_buffer));

    // [14] Construct a final command using only the unsanitized `default_key_id`
      "driver/wpa_cli -i %s set_network 0 wep_tx_keyidx %s",
    log(7, 1, cmd_buffer);

    // [15] Execute the final vulnerable command constructed at [14]
    if ( !strcmp(auth_mode, "SHARED") )
      log(7, 1, "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 auth_alg SHARED");
      cmd = "driver/wpa_cli -i wlan0 set_network 0 auth_alg SHARED";

We observe at [1], these vulnerabilities are only exploitable if wireless functionality has been enabled. This is not particularly hard to configure as a remote attacker via TALOS-2022-1552, but most devices will not be immediately exploitable. If WL_Enable is true, then at [3] the first 512 bytes of the request body are extracted into the payload variable and eight parameters are extracted from the POST body—ssid, ssid_hex, auth_mode, wpapsk, wpapsk_hex, encryp_type, default_key_id and key. A value must be supplied for one, or both, of ssid and ssid_hex. All other parameters appear to be optional.

CVE-2022-33204 - Authenticated OS Command Injection via ssid_hex parameter

The conditional referenced at [4] is responsible for determining whether the supplied ssid* parameter needs to be encoded prior to injection: The ssid parameter will be neutralized, but the ssid_hex parameter will be injected directly. There is nothing to enforce that the ssid_hex parameter has already been safely neutralized. At [7] the vulnerable command constructed using ssid_hex at [5] is executed by the root user via a call to popen.

A maliciously-formatted ssid_hex parameter successfully submitted via authenticated HTTP request to the /action/wirelessConnect endpoint will result in arbitrary command execution.

CVE-2022-33205 - Authenticated OS Command Injection via wpapsk_hex parameter

The conditionals referenced at [8] and [11] are responsible for determining whether the supplied wpapsk* parameter needs to be encoded prior to injection. If auth_mode is “WPAPSK” OR “WPA2PSK” then the wpapsk parameter will be neutralized, but if the auth_mode is “WPAPSK_HEX” or “WPA2PSK_HEX” then wpapsk_hex parameter will be used directly. There is nothing to enforce that the wpapsk_hex parameter has already been safely neutralized. At [10], the vulnerable command constructed using wpapsk_hex at [9] is executed by the root user via a call to popen.

A maliciously-formatted wpapsk_hex parameter successfully submitted via authenticated HTTP request to the /action/wirelessConnect endpoint will result in arbitrary command execution.

CVE-2022-33206 - Authenticated OS Command Injection via key and default_key_id parameters

If the conditional referenced at [12] identifies that auth_mode is “SHARED” or “WEP”, then at [13] both the key and default_key_id are injected directly into an OS command. There is nothing to enforce that either of these parameters have been safely neutralized prior to use. At [14], the vulnerable command is executed via a call to popen.

A maliciously-formatted key or default_key_id parameter successfully submitted via authenticated HTTP request to the /action/wirelessConnect endpoint will result in arbitrary command execution.

CVE-2022-33207 - Authenticated OS Command Injection via default_key_id parameters

If the conditional referenced at [12] identifies that auth_mode is “SHARED” or “WEP”, then at [15] the default_key_id parameter will be injected directly into an OS command. There is nothing to enforce that the default_key_id has already been safely neutralized. At [16], the vulnerable command is executed by the root user via a call to popen.

A maliciously-formatted default_key_id parameter successfully submitted via authenticated POST request to the /action/wirelessConnect endpoint will result in arbitrary command execution.


2022-07-14 - Vendor Disclosure
2022-09-26 - Vendor Patch Release
2022-10-20 - Public Release


Discovered by Matt Wiseman of Cisco Talos.